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Asset Liquidation Services

Statistics show that the average active life cycle for most computers and IT equipment in your organization is three to four years.

Often times companies will simply throw away their end-of-life IT equipment, counting it as a loss. Insight Systems Exchange offers our Asset Liquidation services, which allows you to properly dispose of your IT equipment and earn money in the process.

When you are ready to dispose of assets such as: computers, servers, laptops, monitors, storage gear, networking equipment, phone systems, and printers, ISE can help. We have a 44,000 sq. ft. Technology Center where our certified technicians will take your used equipment and refurbish it back to the original equipment manufacturers condition.

Once the equipment is fully refurbished, we offer those products to organizations whom are looking for price-reduced, reliable IT equipment. This is how we recycle electronic products, reduce E-Waste, provide affordable computers to schools and organizations, and help you earn cash!

In addition, ISE offers Data Destruction services to safety dispose of hard drives and private data on unwanted computers, servers, phones, and hard drives. We are ISO:9001:2008 certified and operate at the Department of Defense (DOD) standards for data destruction.

Call us today at 855.812.9335 to receive a quote for your end-of-life assets. We will make arrangements to have the equipment shipped to our secure facility, destroy the data, and refurbished the machines for future use.